Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Collage Reflection

Think Creatively!
Some of the creative elements of my collage are the groups that the pictures in my collage are placed, the pictures I included, and the color of the poster background. The groups that my pictures are placed in begin with showing the beginning of their story,the war and genocide in their home country (Sudan). It continues down to where they begin to migrate and all the problems that they face in between, like starving and death. Surviving is placed in the middle, to show that for all the parts of my poster the boys had to survive. The pictures I included in my collage fit the categories that I picked to include. And finally, the black of the poster stands for misery, the misery that the lost boys had to go through during their journey.

Reason Critically!
I used the images and text that I selected to highlight my understanding of the lost boy's situation. I did this when I put all my words into specific groups to show all the hardships that the boys went through. Starvation, death, and others. And on the right side of my poster I put the refugee part of my poster to show that many of the boys had hope to hold on to. Some were sent to America to have better lives, but this was at the end of their journey, so I put it at the end of the journey on my poster as well.

Communicate Effectively!
My collage creates awareness for the Lost Boys' plight because it shows the hardships that they went through during their journey. If people can see how hard it was for the Lost Boys to go through this in their life, people might feel bad for them and want to help the situation in Sudan. If someone saw the life the boys had, the starvation, the dehydration, the death that they faced, people would feel obligated to send some sort of help over to Sudan.

Live Ethically!
I think that my collage demonstrated empathy and might evoke and emotional response from my viewers and it incited them to act. It did this by putting pictures that make people feel bad. For example, I put a picture of what the starving children looked like, skin and bones. Another thing, is that I put the words that the boys faced, starvation, death, migration, and for each horrible thing, I put pictures. I put a lion under death, because many were eaten by lions on the way, and many died in the Gilo river when they were crossing because of gun shots and crocodiles. Finally, I said that Sudan was in conflict and war, a strong word I used was 'genocide' because that is a big thing in Sudan at the moment.

My Collage Video

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