Sunday, September 27, 2009

Choice of a Lifetime


Choice wrestles with itself
Wearing nothing but a black cape
and decides with a single knock out

As you can see, my poem is about all the choices you have to make every day. It shows that every choice you make is made simply by choosing. All you have to do is pick, and although it may be hard sometimes, in the end you always just pick, as easy as snapping your fingers. That’s it, that’s all I wanted to say, it’s that the only thing to do is pick and once you pick, it’s over. This is something that has been happening all the way since the beginning of life on Earth, and happens to all cultures. Even during the really early times, people have been making choices. This happened in ancient Greece, in the medieval times, during the World Wars, and even now. People always have choices to make, whether its about if they should bomb a country or if they should where a skirt or jeans.

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