Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Climb

“But I, I gotta keep trying, gotta keep my head held high/ there’s always gonna be another mountain/ I’m always gonna wanna make it move/ always gonna be an uphill battle/ sometimes I’m gonna have to lose/ ain’t about how fast ill get there/ ain’t about what’s waiting on the other side/ it’s the climb.”
The Climb: Miley Cyrus

The song The Climb by Miley Cyrus shows exactly how hard it is to continue through your everyday life. It tells you that no matter how hard something seems to be, you have to keep trying. She even mentions that sometimes you have to fail, but even if that happens, you have to get up, dust yourself off and try again. This shows that life is tough, but you can’t give up. I’m sure that this is what people from other times and cultures think. For example, in ancient Greece, a builder may have failed at building something, but that doesn’t mean that he didn’t try it again and again until he got it right. From any way that you look at it, whether it’s from a different time of a culture, you know that life is hard and you can’t give up.

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